LST 383
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 22:08:00 -0700
To: lst383<at>hotmail.com
CC: Sheldon Aubut <biker<at>cwizard.com>Hello,
I note with concern that your site at http://www.mckennas.demon.co.uk/HMLST383.htm is offline.
I would like to offer you space at Landingship.com to rebuild your site, or alternatively I would like to use an archive of your site as an adjunct to the existing material there.
Wed Feb 20 2008
Richard Golding
LST 383 Royal Navy
Hi, My Granfather Benjamin Golding served aboard 383 from 1944-1946 in the Pacific. I would love some more information if possible and maybe some photos as i have very little information. He died in 1982 whilst in Australia
LST-383 at http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/ships/LST/LST-383.html
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