LST-282 Guest Log
Tue May 08 2018
Teresa Carman
tcarman1 at yahoo.com
LST 282
My grandfather J.D. Kiker was from Tennessee when he enlisted in the U.S. Navy during WWll and was assigned to the LST 282. From what I understand he began his service on the LST 282 when it was launched and was aboard the ship when it was hit and destroyed by a German torpedo. Growing up my grandfather did not talk to me about the war. I was just a little girl. But before he died he talked to my husband what he witnessed and experienced when the LST was "bombed" off the southern coast of France.
My grandfather said "a bomb" came down through the ship and there was fire everywhere. He was an electrician and I believe he was an electrician onboard the ship. My grandfather told my husband who is also an electrician that when the ship was bombed he stuck a wooden pry bar into the relay contactor to keep the ship moving and to keep it from sinking. He said he walked his feet up a wall with the pry bar on his shoulder to hold it in place and to keep the ship moving.He said he kept the bar in the relay contactor until the water got so high he had to abandon the ship. My uncle, my grandfather's son recently said that after the ship was hit that my grandfather was listed as "missing in action". Later on he was found at a hospital in France, was no longer missing and was eventually assigned to a ship that helped transport soldiers back to the U.S. at the end of the war. My grandfather had great integrity and was a humble man. He was brave, courageous and was proud to have served in the U.S. Navy. I believe no one in the family knew what a "hero" he was until long after he died. My research of the LST 282 and details of my grandfather's service aboard the ship is sketchy but I intend to to look further and plan to tell his story as accurately as possible.
Wed Aug 31 2016
Teresa Carman
tcarman1 at yahoo.com
Navy LST 282
My grandfather served on the LST 282 and was aboard when the ship sank. Although his name is not listed I am 100% certain that in the photo of the crew that he is the gentleman on the far left out a little way between the first and second row. His name is J.D. Kiker. He enlisted in Chatanooga, Tennessee.
Mon Dec 02 2013
Gregory NEGRO
LST 282
Hello everyone,
i am looking for a photo of PFC Willard E Purdy killed on 08/15/1944 and member of the 895th AAA Battalion.
thank you
Wed Oct 30 2013
Jeff Bryan
The H. Bryan you have listed in the crew of LST-282 was my uncle, Harold A. Bryan, who died in the bombing. My family would be very grateful if you could show his full name in the crew list. Thank you for considering this request.
Fri Feb 08 2013
Karl Langenwalter
I recently purchased a pair of binoculars and am wondering if the engraving might indicate an association with the LST282 ship?US_Navy_Brass_Binoculars_282.jpg will be posted-1307
Fri Dec 14 2012
Thomas Cavanagh
LST 282
My wifes uncle Lt(jg) Sidney Blustain was serving aboard LST 282 when she was struck by the bomb on Aug 15. Lt. Blustains body was never recovered. Please add his name to the crew list of LST 282. If you need any additional information feel free to contact me.Thank you, Tom Cavanagh
Fri Sep 21 2012
Marc Hall
My father, Captain Orion Max Hall (deceased) and his U. S. Army Field Artillery Unit were on the 282 when she was sunk. He swam ashore in France and was pulling people from the surf with his trousers. He was awarded a Silver Star for Meritorious Service, a Bronze Star for Gallantry, and a Purple Heart; in addition to seven Battle Campaign Stars for Service in North Africa, and across Europe. The attached photo was taken August 16, 1944, the day following, he is in the center. There are other soldiers in the snapshot, but have been cropped out as per your request.
Wed Oct 10 2012
Carol Jo Lambert
clambert<at>sps. k12. ar. us
I do believe my dad was on the LST 282. It was bombed and he swam to shore and was awarded a Bronze Medal. It was in August. I would appreciate some information about this.
Sun Jun 17 2012
Jean-Loup Gassend
schyzowolf<AT>yahoo. fr
Lst 282
I am curently writting a book about the Liberation of the French Riviera. In my book, I would very much like to use Hans Bergner's account of the LST 282 sinking that is one your site. However I see that it is taken from a book published Naval Institute Press. Do you know who I could contact to get permission to reproduce his account of the sinking? I suspect you needed to ask permission to use the account on this site so may know who to get in touch with.
Best regardsJean-Loup Gassend
(Sheldon Arbut replied)
From: Beth Golden [gramssearch4family<AT>gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: landing ship.com LST 282 crew member - Pictures!I wanted you to know that my dad, Ben Brown who served as GM2 on the LST 282, passed away on September 26, 2011.
If there's a way to post this news on the site, I'd appreciate you doing so. He was so proud of his service to our country and was quite happy that I had found your site and connected with family of his shipmates.
Thank you so much,
Beth (Brown) GoldenI�m sorry to hear this Beth. We are losing so many of these guys without ever finding out their stories and I�ll bet every one of them has one worthy of a Web site or a book.
Sheldon Aubut
Houlton, WI USA
Sat Jun 11 2011
j. davidson4<at>comcast.net
LST 282
Hello,I am a relative of Clement Lloyd Cassell (Ensign-Serial number 330120 USNR). I am the grandson of Charlotte Cassell Davidson who was Clement's sister. I have reason to believe that Clement served aboard the USS LST 282. Clement was killed on August 15, 1944 by a radio controlled bomb off the coast of Normandy. His body was never recovered and has his name on the wall of the missing at the Rhone American Cemetery in France. My records of Clement end about there. I do know that he received a purple heart, lived in Larchmont and Mamoroneck, NY, attended Columbia University, and was about 20 when he was killed. He was born in 1924 and graduated Mamoroneck Highschool in 1940 I am seeking any information on Clement as well as any information verifying (or not) for me that he was aboard the LST 282 Most of the relatives that I am in touch with have little more information. Many of the online records are inconsistent, especially with the date he was killed. A few list th
at he was killed on 8/16/45, which seems unlikely given that there is no record of a radio controlled bomb explosion in that area on that date I am also seeking to correct the information online with the American Battle Monuments Commission and Columbia University if I can verify that they are incorrect. Here are a few of the sites that I have found online records:http://larchmonthistory.org/memorials/individual/Cassell.html
http://www.dtic. mil/dpmo/wwii/reports/nav_m_c.htm Record indicating that Clem was actually killed 8/15/44
http://www.warmemorial. columbia. edu/clement-lloyd-cassellAny information or correspondence would be greatly appreciated. Please do not feel any obligation to respond.
Thank you,
Justin Davidson
Sun Jan 02 2011
David Martel
LST 282
My father, Pvt. Philip A. Martel (Frenchy), was on board LST 282 when it was bombed. He was with Battery A of the 977th. He was a strong swimmer and received the Silver Star for ferrying the wounded to shore.
From: Beth Golden [gramssearch4family AT gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 5:13 AM
Subject: landing ship.com LST 282 crew memberMy father Ben Brown (GM2) was a crew member on LST 282 and survived the bombing off the south of France. I will share some of the info and pix you have posted and know that he will enjoy them. I wish he still had access to the internet, but he finds it too frustrating at 85. I'm sure he'd love to hear from any other crew mates. They can do so through me.
I have a few pictures of some crew members and I'd be glad to send them along if you'd like (and when I can find them).
with my best,
Beth (Brown) Golden
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beth,
Great photos. I do see that your Dad is listed on the crew page at:
http://www.landingship.com/282/crew.htmI wonder if he knew my Dad? He was a Motor Machinist Mate so spent most of his time in the engine room. When on deck he manned one of the deck guns
and on LCVP trips to shore he manned a gun on the boat.Sheldon Aubut
Houlton, WI USA"It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui. " ~~ Helen Keller
________________________________From: Beth Golden [gramssearch4family AT gmail.com]
Subject: Re: landing ship.com LST 282 crew member - Pictures!Hi Sheldon and Russell,
I was able to find the album with my dad's pictures of his 282 days.
You can view, download, etc. atThe last five were taken while on shore leave in Naples, Italy. They
were in my dad's wallet when the ship sank. Although their quality isn't
wonderful after being soaked - thank goodness they survived as well as they
did.There are a few more that are potentially from the 282, but may have
been taken at a dance when my dad was back home on leave. I'll ask him soon
and post them in this album, if they are 282 related.Enjoy!
Thank you again for all of your great work!
Beth Brown Golden
Sat Dec 18 2010
Mark Rounsavall
LST 282
My father, Sgt Charles H. Rounsavall was aboard the LST 282 when it was hit by the German bomber. Hy dad was a forward observer with the 937th Field Artillery. The 937th was equipped with 155mm "Long Tom" howitzers. I had heard about this incident for many years, not from my dad, but from other men in his unit. I did not know the name of the ship or the date that it happened. When the bomb hit the ship, my dad and several of the men from the 937th immediately dove into the water and were able to make it safely ashore. The 937th was actually the 2nd Battalion of the 142nd Field Artillery of the Arkansas National Guard. The unit had been redesignated as the 937th in the spring of 1943. The 142nd FA, Ark National Guard website states:
"The 937th left Camp Bowie (Texas) on August 10, 1943, arrived in Algiers September 2, 1943 and landed in Naples, Italy November 11, 1943. It participated in the drive across the Rapido River and the liberation of Rome. It then prepared for and participated in the amphibious landings in southern France August 15, 1944. One of vessels carrying the 937th was hit by a German bomber resulting in 1 KIA, 2 MIA, 83 WIA and the loss of the fire direction equipment and one battery of howitzers. The 937th fired over 200,000 combat rounds and was awarded battle streamers for the following campaigns: Naples-Foggio; Rome-Arno; Southern France (with arrowhead); Rhineland and Central Europe. "My dad passed away in 2005, and as I said did not talk much about this incident. But it is good for me to know what happened and to see the great information on this website. Thanks very much for your webpage!
Thu Nov 11 2010
Barbara Fife Janaky
LST 282
My uncle Robert Thompson was on this ship and killed. I remember the last time we saw him he came to SLC to see us before he left. It was haloween and he took me trick or treating I remember how he looked in his uniform walking away from us the day he left he turned to wave and we never saw him again he was killed on the LST 282.Robert C Thompson was from Idaho Falls Idaho, he was a signalman 3C in the Navy.
Thu Oct 14 2010
Bruce Wiebke
I found a multipart video on Youtube of the invasion of Southern France and it shows what I believe is the LST 282. It is at 1:14 into the video & the narrator's description is, "One of our landing craft that was hit by a radio guided flying bomb. . . " Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7Bc9zL_xqM&playnext=1&videos=3Yc0qXY4Jc0&feature=mfu_in_orderAnd if the link doesn't work, the title of the video is "Classified films of World War II Part 2", and the poster's name is Worldwarwarehouse, so you should be able to find it using their search feature. My Aunt's best friend served on the 282 & thankfully survived the sinking. I was amazed to actually find video of the ship, and Thank You for this site.
Wed Jun 23 2010
Brent D. Woodley
LST 282
My uncle Lester B. Leeper was a member of the crew of 282 and was there at H-hour. I have a copy of a letter he sent 6/28/44.
He stated they had trained in Little creek, Virginia. Had been stationed in Cardiff, Wales before D-day. His mos was diesel engineer.
A quote from his letter. . . "I came through it OK, was a little shaky and nervous just after I got back, but slept it off. I feel OK now with the exception that my nerves are still jumpy at times. "I can only imagine!
These men were some true patriots and heros.
We salute you ALL! BRAVO!
His name is on the LST 282 Crew List. Ed.
Wed Jun 23 2010
Barbara J. (Purdy) Kania
It is my belief that my uncle Army PFC Willard E. Purdy was aboard LST-282 on August 15, 1944 more. . .
Fri Mar 19 2010
Patti Tedone
LST 282
My Dad, William A. Herzog "Bill", was on the LST 282 when it was hit in August of 1944. He was just a few weeks shy of his 19th birthday. I am one of 7 children that my Dad had with my Mom, Janet, the love of his life. We grew up hearing the story about what happened to my Dad and the other men on that ship. Of course, you get more details as you get older. Ask more questions and get more answers. When you're a child hearing that, you hear it, it seems kind of unreal and very distant and it becomes part of your family story, but it doesn't really sink in until your a bit older, and you realize, as best you can, just what your father actually went through. I wish he were still here today because I think I understand and feel even more since I read "The Story of The LST 282" written By Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. York. What an incredible story. So full of information. I felt like I was right there.
I would love to have shared this story with my Dad. Unfortunately I cannot, as my Dad passed away on 2/8/05.
He is Greatly Missed !!!
more. . .My father's name is written in the Crew List, but I do not see him in the picture of the Crew. I imagine this isn't the entire crew, or possibly he's in the area that is smudged/damaged. Would anyone know if this is the entire crew? If so, my Dad is probably in the area that is smudged and I wonder if there is a picture somewhere that isn't damaged???
Patti (Herzog) Tedone
Sun Nov 22 2009
Judith Jorgenson
LST 282
My father Larry Sullivan served on the LST 282 as a PHM 2c pharmistist mate and survived. He enjoyed looking at your website. He passed away on June 5 2009 at 85 years old. Thank you for your site as it gives his children and grandchildren a look into his past.Sullivan, Lawrence J. , PhM2/c, Watertown MA 2BC51<at>Scattercreek.com (lives in Tenino, Washington now) Passed away June 5 2009 at 85 year old.
Fri Sep 18 2009
Cherie Barker (Tom Kinder)
Love your site. I just found my Dad in the picture of the crew of the 282 June 6, 1944. And just today received information showing he participated in the assault on Cherbourg Pennisula from Jun 6, 1944 to June 21 1944. Anxious to read more. I'm sorry I didn't have more information from my dad while he was alive. But thanks so much to whoever maintains this site! Wish I had something to contribute.
Sun Aug 02 2009
Douglas Doyle May
My Father was Hubert Doyle May ans he was the Pharmacist Mate on the LST282 when it went down. I never knew the ship was sunk be a remote controlled jet engine powered drone. I'm so glad I found your site.
Sat Mar 14 2009
Barbara Fife Janaky
LST 282
Robert C Thompson is from Idaho Falls Idaho. He is my uncle.
Sun Nov 16 2008
George T Foy
LST 282
Message moved to Crew page
Sun Feb 17 2008
Mark A Guiod
LST 282
My uncle Raymond Guiod was on this ship. He had told my father, his much younger idolizing brother that he had been blown off a ship and washed up on the shores of France, but he would not tell the story. That's all he would ever say, he never would talk to me about it. I always wondered what had happened that was so terrible it remained beyond speech. Thank you so much for the hard work you have put into telling this story. I can now pass it on to the rest of the family, and it will become part of our family heritage. History is so important, and the details of events that never make the history books are critical at the personal and family level.
Tue Feb 05 2008
Chuck Watford
LST 282
We have finally been able to determine that my wife's uncle, Henry E. Mullins, and his couson, Ennis Mullins, who were members of the 977the Field Artillery Battalion, Battery A, were killed aboard the LST 282. Both these men had been listed as missing. My wife's father never knew exactly where or how his brother died, but I think we now know what probably happened, thanks to the info on your web site, Thank you.
Thu Nov 22 2007
Dolores Wagner Schare
LST 282
I had just received a letter from my brother, Warren E. Wagner. He was sending money for me to get his girl friend an engagement ring. The next news regarding him came while I was working in the Western Union office of the Cincinnati Union Terminal. I was pasting a message on a WU blank when my manager called me into another room to tell me Warren was missing in action. The message was on the printer. It was a long drive home to be with our mother in Sedamsville. Sometime later two of his buddies from the ship stopped at WU desk to tell me all about the incident so we wouldn't continue to believe Warren would not be coming home. I have their pictures but not their names. They were also from Ohio. I will always remember them. The odd remembrance was that the news at the theater (right next door to our WU office) showed the fractured ship and I felt at the time that it was LST 282. Warren was special person and will never be forgotten.
Fri Nov 02 2007
Sally Pieper
sally. p<at>comcast.net
LST 282
Going through family photos and memorabilia I have found information about a crew member that lost his life on August 15, 1944 aboard LST 282. He is listed on the Crew page and I have attached a photo of him and a re-typed newspaper clipping regarding his demise.
Warren Edward Wagner was my mother's brother, my uncle, whom I never met.
My mother, still with us at the age of 83, was 20 years old in August 1944. It so happened she was working at the Western Union office in Cincinnati when the official telegram came over the wire on September 1, 1944. In shock and sadness she was the one that informed her mother of Warren's 'Missing in Action' status.
Thank you so much for the posting of the stories and construction of the site. It has put a little glimpse of my mother's brother back in her life.Respectfully,
Sally Pieper
Mon Oct 22 2007
denise fisher
thevillan<at>porchlight. ca
I see someone was trying to contact me a long time ago, was Denise Aubut from Burlington, any new info. would be appreciated!Grandfather Emile Aubut
Thu Oct 04 2007
William W. Valentine
I found the LST282 story while searching for Walter Keen who was my Mother's Aunt's stepson. All I can remember was that he was killed in action in WWII, and was in the US Navy. I have to wonder if the Keen mentioned in this story is the same person. He was from the Delaware, Maryland, or perhaps Pennsylvania area. His Father's name was also Walter, so he was presumably a Jr. This is all I remember of him, other than the Gold Star Flag in the window at my Aunt's house. Is there perhaps any more information on Walter Keen than that contained in this moving story?
Thank you.
Bill Valentine
Newark, DE
LST 1019
Email: jwalker<at>bctonline.comComments: I was on the LST 1019 in the exact same location as the 282 just before it was.
April 8th 2007
name: Russell J. Redgate
ship: LST 282
Email: AttyRJR<at>aol.com
Comments: My father, Russell J. Redgate, was aboard LST 282 on August 15, 1944 when she was sunk. He was wounded by shrapnel. He received both purple heart and silver star for his part that day. My godgather, Marty Bergen was also aboard. Both were Lieutenants. Both are gone now.
26th March 2007
name: Julie Saenger
Email: juliesaenger<at>comcast.net
Comments: My grandfather was a survivor of the LST 282, Edward Yungck. He just recently passed away and I just started doing some of my own research on the 282. I appreciate your story -
10th March 2007
name: nelson therasse
ship: L. S. T. 282
Comments: i was hoping to find my n ame recored i was hurt when the ship sunk i spent a year in navy hostp.See the Crew page
Feb 23rd 2007
name: Christopher Gilbert
ship: LST282
Email: cgilbert711<at>yahoo.com
Comments: I am Lt. (Skipper) Gilbert's grandson and I was moved by the article you posted on this website. I know some pieces of the history of 282 from Lt. Gilbert's (Viejo as we knew him) stories and my father's, Terry, whom has his medals proudly displayed in his office - but records are hard to come by. Viejo was a great family man and always spoke about how incredibly brave his crew was during that terrible campaign. We buried him a few years ago at Arlington, but he always wanted us to remember that a ship was 'only as stong as the men who graced her decks' (no doubt an analogy to his wife's name, Grace). For whatever it's worth, I'm supremely proud of of him and all the men that served their country aboard that ship, as well as all others. Thank you for remembering these men. Although he would never expect it, I know my grandfather would be proud to know that people still remember.Warmest regards,
Christopher Gilbert
Feb 7th 2007
name: M. Jansen
ship: # 282
Email: jjcabmkr<at>cs.com
Comments: There is a letter on your website from a man who was a cook on the 282. The email address he gave is billmogayzel@aol.com and is no longer in service. Can anyone help me with this?
name: brad
ship: LST-282
Email: brad<at>txis.com
Comments: I emailed you some time ago about the southern france anvil landing display we were constructing at camp mabry, austin texas.
Just want to let you know that the diorama is nearing the final phase towards completion, with the last bit of lighting on custom order to be installed soon.
As of this year, a 1/245 scale model LST282 'sails to meet it's imminent fate' in the right hand corner, complete with a deck full of vehicles; a larger scale glide bomb just 'dropped' from the Junkers bomber just above is swooping down to impact. Very dramatic to be sure.
There is also a miniature 'burned out' LST282 on the map to mark the location where it beached.
This is probly the only scale model of the LST282 ever built, and I thought you might get some images up on your site.
If you reply back, please use 'LST-282' in the subject line so I can catch it in the filter.
Or better yet just phone 512. 452. 8096
Name is Brad Hodges.
Local: Fri 30 Jun 2006
name: nelson warren thereasse
ship: L S T 282
Email: ntherasse<at>earthlink.net
Comments: I was on the lst 282 iot got sunk 8/15/1944 i was wounded taklen to corica to a jhosp and from there wen to naples pleas excuse the spelling
t nap-les. . . . . . . . . . . .
Comments: my name is nelson w therasse. i am 81 yueaars old i was s/1 i was fantail con talker when thje ship was hit my info at that time a radio gontroled aireal torpedo hit amid ship i got broken leg i was transported to coreca leg opperated on tjhen flew to naples put in officer ward till they got my orders that why noone knew where i was at
April 2006
name: Michael Greeley
ship: re: LST 282
Email: michael. greeley<at>comcast.net
Comments: When was the posed photograph of the crew of LST 282 taken? It appears to be prior to D-Day 6 June 1944. . .
Crew of LST282 Thank you for your reply. Dad was only on 282 for a couple of weeks, as he was one of many survivors of LST 376 asssigned to 282. . . and feeling somewhat nostalgic, as Monday the 17th would have been Dad's 80th birthday. . . thanks again.
October 2005
ship: LST282
Email: MIKEYT67<at>JUNO. COM
Unfortunately, Mike, I don't believe prints of that drawing are available. Ed.
name: Kurt Ohberg
location: VAMC Atlanta
email: kurt. o
Date: April 28, 2005comments
Got a chance to meet the bosun's mate today. The pleasure was all mine.
name: Vince Miller
location: Gibsonia Pa
email: millv AT zoominternet.net
Date: January 30, 2005comments
My Dad worked at building these boats at American Bridge , he worked for a sub-contractor The United Cork Co . They did the insulation on the boats
name: Pete Cataldo
email: pacataldo AT beckman.com
Date: January 21, 2005comments
Sheldon,My deepest condolences on the passing of your father Tom. This website is a real tribute to him and the LST 282. I hope you will keep the website active. It provided a link between me and the Uncle I never met, Ensign Peter T. Hughes.
Thanks, Pete
name: Pete Cataldo
email: pacataldo AT beckman.com
Date: January 21, 2005comments
Sheldon,My deepest condolences on the passing of your father Tom. This website is a real tribute to him and the LST 282. I hope you will keep the website active. It provided a link between me and the Uncle I never met, Ensign Peter T. Hughes.
Thanks, Pete
name: James Junkins
location: Cumberland, Maine
email: slcatvip AT aol.com
Date: December 23, 2004comments
regarding a posting I made earlier on my father, I said I thought he was 5th army, but at the time of this landing he may well have been pulled into the 7th. I am quite sure he was a Sgt, and the most important part is that anyone who knew him then would have refered to him as "Buddy" as this was his nickname. I also know that the previous winter, he sent a "joke" Christmas card to Eleanor Roosevelt, wishing her a wonderful season from "another one in the trenches" and much to his surprise, she sent one back which she addressed to "Buddy" causing him some grief with his C/O as they thought he had "white house connections". If "Buddy" sounds familiar to anyone, please do write. Thanks, Jim Junkins
name: Wm. Fraser
location: Sag Harbor, NY
email: Tileman2 AT optonline.net
Date: December 20, 2004comments
name: Wm. Fraser
location: Sag Harbor, NY
email: Tileman2 AT optonline.net
Date: December 20, 2004comments
name: James Junkins
location: Cumberland, Maine
email: slcatvip AT aol.com
Date: December 19, 2004comments
I just found this wonderful site and I am quiet sure my dad was on this LST. His name is Albert O. Junkins, he was 5th Army, 3rd division. I am trying to get closer to the details of his service, but one of the few stories he always told us was of getting blown off an LST, into the Mediterranean, he said he was one of the few soldiers who always wore a life jacket, (he used this to tell us to do the same whenever we (the kids) were on the water, he said he took a lot of "ribbing" from fellow GI's, but that a lot of them remained there when this LST got hit. His stories coincide perfectly with these accounts I have read and I know he landed in Bizerte, so this has to be the ship. Of the very few stories he told this one he repeated many times, because he said he had to lash a soldier to some kind of wood and heave him over the side. Apparently as he was swimming to shore and dragging this soldier along, he lost most of his gear, and he used to get very emotional when he would say, "as I was swimming, amongst the screams for help, I saw one guy hanging from the bow crying, "help, me, I can't swim!!" My dad says the entire ship was engulfed in flames and there was nothing he could do for this guy, let alone save himself. Then he would get quiet and say, "as for as I know he is still hanging there. " Dad is still alive but pretty used up from dementia and Parkinson's disease, so he doesn't speak anymore, I wish he could so I could tell him I found this story. I would welcome any communication from any surviving soldiers or families, it would be great to get the army end of this story together!!! Please write, Jim JunkinsFrom Sheldon: There were quite a few other personnel on board the 282 when it was sunk and we know almost nothing about them. Or, for that matter, the many other military personnel that were ferried across the English Channel at the Normandy landings. If anyone can fill in the blanks please let us know. We'd especially like to hear the stories of the Army survivors of the sinking and if anyone might have rosters of those on board that would be a great addition. webmaster AT landingship.com
name: Brad
location: Austin TX
email: brad AT txis.com
Date: November 01, 2004comments
The Texas Military Forces Museum in Austin, TX, Camp Mabry (under army historical command) will be constructing a new multimedia display of the ANVIL invasion as part of the 36th division history wing. The sinking of the LST 282 will likely be part of that display. Good info on the site.
name: Joncheray Jean-Pierre
location: Saint-Raphaël - FRANCE
email: a. jp. joncheray AT wanadoo. fr
Date: September 05, 2004comments
I know the wreck of LST 282, it is very easy to dive on. The ship is very destructed. If you want more renseignements (information) ? THANK YOU
name: Dustin Payanis
location: Bristol, Connecticut
email: dustinpayanis AT yahoo.com
Date: June 01, 2004comments
Nice site and very interesting. This is the first time I have seen pictures of the ship my grandfather was on because all the pictures my grandfather had of the ship and crew were lost by my aunt when she was moving. My grandfather is still alive and liked the pictures and information. 6/1/04
name: Jack Hickman
location: Mobile, Al.
email: jh7825 AT aol.com
Date: May 14, 2004comments
As a member of the 8th Beach Battalion I landed on Green Beach about 5:00 p. m. August 15, 1944. I do not recall seeing the LST 282, It must have been hit after I went ashore. Other members of the 8th recall seeing the Buzz Bomb.
email: Baerel <at>PA. NET
Date: March 06, 2004comments
Hi; just reviewed your Web site. I was a COX on an LCVP on LST-291 which landed on OMAHA beach on D-Day.
name: Tom
location: Pollock
email: trutom3 AT yahoo.com
Date: February 21, 2004comments
I was on board the LST 868, and am looking for pictures of LSTs
The old guestbook was having some problems and had grown quite large so I have split it out into a separate file which can be reached by clicking here .
Landingship.com © 2005-2025 Site by Dropbears